Ten Acres off of Rt.66/Oatman Rd. This quiet 10 acre parcel is fully fenced with barbed wire and chicken wire too, your critters stay in and the cows and burros stay out. This is the perfect tranquil getaway to unplug and just be one with nature. The 16 foot wide gate opens to a circular drive that goes around the 12 X 20 cottage style shed. Sixteen foot of the cottage is fully insulated & finished and 4 foot is a nice little covered patio. There are no utilities to this property at this time, except for land line telephone. There is good cell service with AT&T, T-Mobile & Verizon that I know of. This property is zoned AR meaning you can get a permit to set up an RV on the lot. Electric is on the next parcel over and will cost about $25,000.00 to pull to the property. There is water delivery available in the area if you want to set up a tank, or you can have a well dug. A septic system will need to be installed. No HOA ~ No CC&R s ~ Chickens, horses and other livestock are welcome. This property sits ten miles from Shinarump off Rt. 66 ~ W. Geronimo Dr. Golden Valley, AZ.